Breaking away from the chains confining you

11 Oct 2017
Raise the bar
Break away from the box confining you. Positive dreamers do not follow the status quo. They keep raising the standard of the bar higher and higher. Raise the bar.
Israelmore Ayivor - Author
We all have certain limitations in our lives and in our career. We must adhere to certain beliefs and traditions. We have been confined since our childhood and these confinements depend on, and are varied from person to person based on the society we live in. In the beginning we tend to show some resistance but most of the times it happens that we just flow with the tide.
This I believe is a problem with our psychiatric self constantly fighting within us to release ourselves from our confinements. The more we let it fight and do nothing about it, the more feel enslaved and less empowered.
So, do we think, “that’s how the world operates and what’s wrong here”?
Being comfortable Vs being a controversy
There are people who choose to be confined yet are comfortable and convenient. Then, there are people who choose not to be confined and love challenges and controversies. Life is easy when you choose the comfortable and convenient path. Life seems almost impossible when you choose the challenge and controversy path. Just being yourself can make you a controversy. Being a controversy is the way to release yourself from the confinements.
When you find yourself trying to release from all the confinements, you are obviously becoming lonely. You have great ideas but no one cares. This is exactly where you are tried and tested for your strength. A tough choice between staying lonely in what you stand for and being carried in the direction of the storm. In the midst of all the loneliness, breaking the chains of the confinements are the way to go.
Princess of royalty Vs Queen of people's heart

Diana, Princess of Wales fought against the confinements of the monarchical royal kingdom to be the queen of people’s heart. Her fight against the confinements were not easy. She was not only fighting the physical oppressions but also the mental agony all of those confinements brought in her life. Some say she died of an accident while the others say it was a planned murder. Whatever may be the cause of her death, as long as she live, she surely had empowered her psychiatric self.
It was a tough choice between being comfortable as the Princess of the Royal Kingdom Vs being strong as the Queen of People’s Heart.
Let’s stop being comfortable and start being strong enough to break away from the chains confining us!